Order Status

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The following is a list of statuses you can find during the order process:
  • Incomplete
When an order is marked as Incomplete, the buyer is still required to submit the requested information for the seller to complete the order. The order status cannot be adjusted until the buyer replies to the seller’s instructions.

As buyers, you will see a large orange ribbon indicating a reply to the instructions is required to start the order.

A seller will see an option to send a reminder to the buyer, to notify them to reply to the instructions.

Note: After a week has passed from the original order creation, a seller can cancel the order without any harm to their cancellation ratio or ratings.
  • In Progress

When an order is marked as In Progress, this means that the buyer has replied to the seller’s instructions and the seller is expected to deliver within an expected time period set by the seller.

  • As buyers, you will see the expected delivery date in the progress bar.
  • A seller will also see the expected delivery date and the option to deliver the order.
  • Delivered
When an order is marked as Delivered, the seller has sent a final delivery message for the buyer to review. A buyer can accept the delivery with feedback, or require revisions to be made to the order.
  • As buyers, you can leave feedback on the order through the green feedback box. All feedback messages are displayed on the seller’s Service. You can choose to not leave a comment to rate the seller without displaying it on their Service page. Also, you can reject the delivery by requesting revisions and allow the seller to follow up with a new delivery.
  • A seller will be able to deliver again (if necessary while delivering multiple files – not necessary if the seller has already delivered). If the delivery requires revisions, the seller can deliver again for the buyer to review any revisions made.
Note: Orders that do not require shipping will be marked as complete 3 days after the order is delivered, if the buyer doesn’t reject or complete the order. Services that require shipping will take 14 days.
  • Rejected

When an order is rejected, the buyer requires the seller to revise the delivery to fit the buyer’s requirements. The seller is prompted to deliver again and both users are encouraged to communicate on the order page to sort out any issues with the delivery.

  • As buyers, you will see a message to indicate that revisions were requested to the seller on the progress bar.
  • A seller will see a message to prompt them to deliver again.

Note: The seller is not timed on delivering their revisions.
  • Dispute

When an order is marked in Dispute, a mutual cancellation was proposed by either the buyer or seller. Mutual cancellations will automatically cancel an order after two days if the receiving party doesn’t reply to the request.

  • Both buyers and sellers will see a cancellation request update on the progress bar with how many days left before the order is canceled. They will then have the option to abort the cancellation to return it to the previous order status.
  • Completed

When a seller delivers an order and a buyer leaves feedback, the order is marked as completed. In addition, if a seller delivers an order and the buyer does nothing (i.e., does not accept the order) for three days, the order will autocomplete after those three days and be marked as completed.

  • As buyers, you will see a message in the progress bar to confirm the order status.
  • A seller will also see the confirmation message as well as the amount of revenue they earn, and will be able to rate their experience with the buyer.
Note: Sellers will receive the revenue after a clearance period of 14 days after the order is marked as completed. The waiting period for Top Rated Sellers is seven days.
  • Late
When an order is marked as Late, the seller missed the expected duration time to deliver. Buyers are entitled to cancel their order if there’s no further response from the seller. If a seller does deliver soon after the order is marked as late, the buyer will be given the chance to request revisions or complete the order and rate their experience accordingly.
  • Very Late
This means 24 hours have passed since the order is marked as Late. Similar to what’s mentioned above, the buyer is now able to cancel the order within the order page (also using the Resolution Center). When an order is canceled from this status by the buyer, a seller is given a negative rating.
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